October Newsletter 2012

From The Director

Dear Parents,

On Back-to-School Night we shared our goals for your children for this upcoming school year. We hope that you found the evening informative. During the course of the school year, we will host a variety of events. We are still in the process of adapting our new children to the school and making slight changes to the program when necessary.

We had a parent workday last weekend. Paul, Doug and Bob shoveled and cleaned all the sand that the children managed to put outside of the sandbox. Mother Julie cleaned the garden. Mylinh and Julie managed to scrub all of the children’s cots. Eli and Lisa cleaned all the fixtures in the hallway and bathroom. Joseph removed the cobwebs around the front door and on the patios. Bob, Joseph, and Michael managed to unstop the stream. Sometimes the stream on the bike path gets clogged due to all the sand that gets in there while the children are playing.  We had to dig up a lot of sand and dirt to unclogged that drain. We were successful and now the children can play with the stream again. Thank you to all the parents who helped!

On Tuesday, October 9, between 3:00 pm and 5:30 pm we will conduct a Child Id Program in the lunchroom. It is a no cost program for schools provided by New York Life Insurance.  Children are fingerprinted and photographed and ID cards are given to the parents. A parent or legal guardian must accompany children. If you would like to take advantage of the program, please get off work a little early.

On October 31, we will have our annual harvest party and parade. Each class will have a party and then we will all walk to get a treat at the nearby home of one of our families. The treats are supplied by the school and include; fruit chews, pretzels, and small toys. For the parade, the children and teachers make their own costumes in class. They have so much fun making their costumes and walking in the parade. Parents who are interested in joining are welcome. We begin our class parties at 9:30 a.m. and our parade at 10:00 a.m. We post a permission slip for the walk a few days in advance on top of the sign in sheet. Come join in the fun!

The Sees’ Candy fundraiser begins October 22, and goes through November 15. Our goal is to raise a minimum of $1,500.  We ask all parents to participate and try to sell at least 4-5 items. The boxes of lollipops are good for Christmas stocking stuffers and a gift certificate is always a good holiday gift for a co-worker. Please talk to me if you need more ideas.

The section of garden outside of mother Julie’s office with the rock path, is a memorial garden. A number of our past parishioners have been placed in this area.  Out of respect for the church and the past members we ask that you do not allow your children to play in this area. Thank you for your co-operation.

The church is hosting an Autumn Tea. The luncheon will have a variety of teas, sandwiches and desserts. They will also have a pianist playing beautiful music. If you would like to have a relaxing, tasty, enjoyable lunch please join us.  There will be childcare available. You will have to sign up for it. It is on Saturday October 6 at 12:00pm.

In God’s Service

Ms. Marie

From The Assistant Director

Dear Parents,

On October 11 we will have a visit from the fire department. The children will learn about what firefighters do, how they put on their jackets and boots, and get to explore a real fire engine.  The children are always very excited on to meet the firefighters

We posted some notices about out e-scrip program on the classroom doors.  This is how it works: you go to www.escrip.com to register your debit, credit or grocery store member cards. If you participated last year, you click on “Yes, Renew!”

If you did not participate last year, you click on “1-sign-up.”  Each time you make a purchase, participating merchants including Vons and Vons Pavilions make a donation to the preschool. You can also go to www.ralphs.com and look for the Community Contribution Program.  You can help the school by registering your store rewards card.

Now that the new school year has begun, we will be collecting Campbell’s Soup labels again.  We can win some great prizes for the school like sports equipment or a new fish tank by collecting a lot of labels.  There will be a poster on the office door stating what brands of food and drinks carry the “labels for education” that we collect.

We hope to see some of you at our harvest parties and parade.  It is one of the most fun events of the year.

Take care and Happy Autumn!

Ms. Rita

From The Dolphins

Dear Parents,

The children are doing a great job learning our school routine and our classroom rules.  We started off the month of September learning about apples.  I brought in three colors of apples and the children tasted each one and told which one they liked best.  We made a graph of how many children liked each apple the best.  It was a great math lesson as well as a lot of fun.  We also discovered that there is a star shape inside of each apple when you cut it. We made apple muffins.  It required the children to measure, pour, and mix the ingredients and then bake the muffins.  Then we continued with the theme by learning about Johnny Appleseed. We read stories about him and watched the Disney movie, “Johnny Appleseed”. We also learned about mixing colors. We started our Alphabet and number books as well.

We started share day on September 25, which is posted on the parent information board in our classroom. Please ask me to show you where it is if you do not know. Our share letters for October will be B,C, D, and E. The children love sharing the items they bring in from home and it is a good way to build language skills and begin alphabet recognition.

In October, we continue to work on social and safety skills such as how to treat others, using quiet voices when we are inside, and walking instead of running inside the building. In the science area, we will discuss the fall season. Some of our activities include, taking a walk to collect leaves for a collage and discussing changes in the weather. We learn about where and how pumpkins grow and will carve a Jack-o-lantern. I have not picked the costumes for our harvest walk yet, but I will let you know soon. Parents are welcome to join us.

This month is fire safety month, so the fire department will visit on October 11. The children will learn how to stop, drop and roll. We will practice our exiting for fire drills, which we do every month, and talk about fire prevention at home.

Daylight Savings is coming next month. Some of the children get scared when it gets dark and they are still at school. Now is a good time to talk to them about why it is getting dark earlier.

Have a wonderful month

Ms. Kim

From The Seahorses

Dear Parents,

The Seahorses are working on class rules.There are three simple rules: be kind, keep our hands and bodies to ourselves, and we walk indoors and run outside.

This year we are making Owl costumes for the harvest parade. On October 31 we eat snack at 9:15 then prepare for our parade at 10:00.

Our themes for this month are the five senses, harvest and community helpers. We have planned an apple tasting. The children will also pass bottles with different scents in them and try to identify them.  The class will bake a rainbow cake with Ms. Marie this week. For autumn, we are learning a new song to the tune of London Bridge:

Autumn leaves are falling down, falling down, falling down

Autumn leaves are falling down, red, orange, yellow

Have some fun with your children singing that song with them in the car or at the park. Ask your child, “What was your favorite part of school today?” Did they pretend to be a firefighter or the world’s best mom in the dramatic play area? How about building cities with blocks or playing board games? These are just a few of the daily activities in our class. The learning centers your child engages in helps them with social skills, problem solving and turn taking. If you have any questions, please ask us.

Wishing Cool autumn breezes.

Ms. Beth, Ms. Debbie, Ms. Anjali

From The Seahorses

Dear Parents,

February was fun filled with wonderful acts of kindness as we learned about friendship. We discussed the importance of using kind words with our friends.

We learned about many different places around the world such as Italy, France and Mexico We learned that pizza comes from Italy and built a pretend Venice canal out of blocks.  We sailed our plastic boats and had a great time.  There are some photos of this project on the wall in our classroom.  We also learned about French food and made a pretend French Bistro in the Dramatic Play Area.  The class really had fun dancing to Tango and Salsa music when we learned about Mexico.

In March, we will be studying about animals.  The class will expand their cognitive development by learning how to categorize animals through their natural habitats and characteristics which is called classification.  We will learn about jungle animals, farm animals, forest animals, and why some animals camouflage their colors to blend in with their environments.

We will use the CD ,Doing the Animal BOP by Jan Ormerod and Starry Safari by Linda Ashman to imitate animal moves using dance and descriptive language. The children will further their development by building animal homes like farms and zoos in our block area. We have added corresponding animal builder manipulative toys to enhance learning. They will bring animals to life in one of their favorite activities, the imaginative role of becoming animals in dramatic play. Overall, it should be some rip-roaring rhino fun!

Our other theme for March is spring. We will discuss the weather, such as rain, sun and wind. This is a good scientific opportunity to learn about how weather affects our lives. There will be discussions about longer days with day light savings time approaching.

A fun science project planned for this month is watching lima beans sprout in plastic bags. On St. Patrick’s Day the children will hear a story about St. Patrick and the country of Ireland through stories and songs, such as St Patrick’s Day by Anne Rockwell and The luckiest St. Patrick’s Day Ever by Teddy Slater. Our class will have a party on Friday March 15 at 9:15 a.m.

Just a reminder: when arriving at school, please walk your child to the classroom or the playground where your child’s teacher is. We need to know they have arrived and greet them warmly. It is a great way to start their day off right! Thank you.

Seahorse Smiles,

Ms. Beth, Ms. Debbie, Ms. Anjali

From The Dragonflies

Dear Dragonfly Parents,

We enjoyed our first month of the school year. We are learning how to tell who is in the class by singing, “Who came to school today?” I can see that the children feel happy and special when we sing the song. Some children have learned to tell when another is absent. They also have learned to identify their own gender.

The Dragonflies are adjusting to our daily schedule and routine. One of the activities that the children enjoy is circle time. During circle time we sit on the shape rug and listen to a story, sing a song, play instruments or engage in movement games. Age appropriate time for the Dragonflies is about five minutes.

The children have learned how to identify their body parts by singing, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” and playing “Simon Says” game. We made hand and footprint art with paint. Most of the children were tickled by the paintbrush on their feet and hands. The prints will be added to a book that we are making titled ”All About Me”.

In October, we will learn about the five senses, the harvest and community helpers. The children are going to make apple costumes to wear during our harvest parade this year. If you have some extra time and want to help, please let me know.

I would like to thank all the parents who attended our Back to School night and helped on Parent work day. I really appreciate your time and effort. This month I would like to welcome Devin and Anja to our class.

Happy Autumn,

Ms. Frannie

From The Butterflies

In September, the Butterflies have been working on language and expressing our feelings in an appropriate manner. We have been doing things like throwing scarves instead of toys and sand. I model for the children appropriate sentences to use with their friends as an alterative to using their hands, things like, “Please give that back” and “I want my space”.  I see a lot of growth in the children with these areas. This month I will be helping the children adjust to their new schedules and to the school. Something that I will be doing to help them adjust to the school will be telling them ahead of time, a what we are going to do next.  Mornings are also hard on children especially when they are so young and new to the school. So before you come to school tell your child ahead of time that “We will be going to school soon”. If your child is crying in the morning when you are about to leave, I will hold them for a short time. We can tell them that mommy or daddy is going to work and that you love them and you will be back .If you have any questions about anything please feel free to ask. This month we will be working on more language skills using noun cards. While getting to know your children I will find out what other things they need to work on that have to do with the classroom goals that we are hoping to have them achieve.

Our costumes this year for the harvest parade is pumpkins. The children and I will make these costumes in class and wear them the day of the parade October 31.

Ms. Alison