Dear Parents,
On Back-to-School Night we shared our goals for your children for this upcoming school year. We hope that you found the evening informative. During the course of the school year, we will host a variety of events.
On October 31, we will have our annual harvest party and parade. Each class will have a party and then we will all walk to get a treat at the nearby home of one of our families. The treats are supplied by the school and include: fruit chews, pretzels, and small toys. For the parade, the children and teachers make their own costumes in class. They have so much fun making their costumes and walking in the parade. Parents who are interested in joining are welcome. We begin our class parties at 9:30 a.m. and our parade at 10:00 a.m. We post a permission slip for the walk a few days in advance on top of the sign in sheet. Come join in the fun!
Ms. Kim will be on vacation for three weeks in October. Ms. Rita and Ms. Debbie will work in the morning and Ms. Anjali will cover the afternoon shift. If you should have any questions, please ask me.
I would like to meet with some parents this month to begin organizing a parent committee. I am sending out a flyer with the details, please return it to the office by Friday, October 11.
LifeTouch Studios took studios took pictures last month. The preschool received a commission check in the amount of $108.50.
The church is hosting an Autumn Tea. The luncheon will have a variety of teas, sandwiches and desserts. They will also have a pianist playing beautiful music. If you would like to have a relaxing, tasty, enjoyable lunch please join us. There will be childcare available. You will have to sign up for it. It is on Saturday October 12 at 11:30 am.
In God’s Service
On Back-to-School Night we shared our goals for your children for this upcoming school year. We hope that you found the evening informative. During the course of the school year, we will host a variety of events.
On October 31, we will have our annual harvest party and parade. Each class will have a party and then we will all walk to get a treat at the nearby home of one of our families. The treats are supplied by the school and include: fruit chews, pretzels, and small toys. For the parade, the children and teachers make their own costumes in class. They have so much fun making their costumes and walking in the parade. Parents who are interested in joining are welcome. We begin our class parties at 9:30 a.m. and our parade at 10:00 a.m. We post a permission slip for the walk a few days in advance on top of the sign in sheet. Come join in the fun!
Ms. Kim will be on vacation for three weeks in October. Ms. Rita and Ms. Debbie will work in the morning and Ms. Anjali will cover the afternoon shift. If you should have any questions, please ask me.
I would like to meet with some parents this month to begin organizing a parent committee. I am sending out a flyer with the details, please return it to the office by Friday, October 11.
LifeTouch Studios took studios took pictures last month. The preschool received a commission check in the amount of $108.50.
The church is hosting an Autumn Tea. The luncheon will have a variety of teas, sandwiches and desserts. They will also have a pianist playing beautiful music. If you would like to have a relaxing, tasty, enjoyable lunch please join us. There will be childcare available. You will have to sign up for it. It is on Saturday October 12 at 11:30 am.
In God’s Service
Ms. Marie
From The Assistant Director
Dear Parents,
We have some great events planned for this month. On October 14, the Arcadia Fire Department will be visiting us. We have visits from them once a year in October, when we are learning about community helpers. A few firefighters come, along with their fire engine. They park in the parking lot and we all walk out there. The firefighters tell us what duties they do. They show us how they dress in their fireproof gear. They ask the children what number to call in an emergency. Some of the children know to say “911!” Then the firefighters have us all line up, and the show us and explain the equipment on the fire engine. The children get to sit in the front seat of the fire engine and they get so excited! It really is one of the most exciting events of the year. We should be getting a visit from police department and maybe a dentist this month as well.
We have been doing something different at lunchtime. We are serving the children their lunch family style. The Turtles and Starfish classes still have their food served for them on a plate, however the older classes are able to serve themselves. They pass around bowls of food and are allowed to take one or two spoonfuls. We ask them to take only what they are going to eat. It helps children learn table manners and how to serve themselves and encourages them to eat the food because they chose it themselves.
Take Care,
We have some great events planned for this month. On October 14, the Arcadia Fire Department will be visiting us. We have visits from them once a year in October, when we are learning about community helpers. A few firefighters come, along with their fire engine. They park in the parking lot and we all walk out there. The firefighters tell us what duties they do. They show us how they dress in their fireproof gear. They ask the children what number to call in an emergency. Some of the children know to say “911!” Then the firefighters have us all line up, and the show us and explain the equipment on the fire engine. The children get to sit in the front seat of the fire engine and they get so excited! It really is one of the most exciting events of the year. We should be getting a visit from police department and maybe a dentist this month as well.
We have been doing something different at lunchtime. We are serving the children their lunch family style. The Turtles and Starfish classes still have their food served for them on a plate, however the older classes are able to serve themselves. They pass around bowls of food and are allowed to take one or two spoonfuls. We ask them to take only what they are going to eat. It helps children learn table manners and how to serve themselves and encourages them to eat the food because they chose it themselves.
Take Care,
Ms. Rita
From The Starfish
Dear Starfish Parents,
We are off to a great start and the children are getting used to our preschool routine. In September, the children learned about themselves, basic shapes, and autumn. The children also listened to a story Thanking the Moon:Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival as they learned about this Chinese holiday that occurs in autumn.The story is about a Chinese family who celebrate the harvest moon together by preparing a night time picnic with moon cakes, round shaped fruits, and round cups of tea while watching the bright full moon. In Chinese culture, the shape of the full moon symbolizes harmony and family union. It is significant for the Chinese families to gather together while celebrating the festival.In class, the children got to see and taste two different kinds of moon cakes. The two different fillings on the moon cakes were green bean paste and pineapple paste. I asked the children which moon cake they liked the best. I wrote their answers down and we made a graph. If you would like to know your child’s answer, the chart is posted on the front door of the Starfish class.
October will be a busy month filled with a lot of fun! The children will be making their own Harvest costumes in class. I will ask the children for some ideas of what costumes they want to make and decide later in the month. Our Harvest party and parade will be on Thursday, October 31st.This month’s themes are the five senses, community helpers, and harvest. The Starfish will be learning about the five senses by touching different kinds of textures, smelling different scents, tasting sweet, sour, and salty food, listening to different sounds, and seeing the world around us. One of the sensory activities the children will do is finger painting with salt. They will distinguish the different textures between smooth and rough.This month, the children will also be identifying their body parts through playing a listening game called “Simon Says Body Parts.” The children will hear different names of body parts for them to point to and touch. Moreover, this game teaches children how to listen and respond to simple directions.
In closing, I would like to thank all of the parents who attended Back-to-School Night. It was nice to meet all of you. I look forward to seeing all the children’s excitement in anticipation of learning October’s new themes.
Happy Harvest,
We are off to a great start and the children are getting used to our preschool routine. In September, the children learned about themselves, basic shapes, and autumn. The children also listened to a story Thanking the Moon:Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival as they learned about this Chinese holiday that occurs in autumn.The story is about a Chinese family who celebrate the harvest moon together by preparing a night time picnic with moon cakes, round shaped fruits, and round cups of tea while watching the bright full moon. In Chinese culture, the shape of the full moon symbolizes harmony and family union. It is significant for the Chinese families to gather together while celebrating the festival.In class, the children got to see and taste two different kinds of moon cakes. The two different fillings on the moon cakes were green bean paste and pineapple paste. I asked the children which moon cake they liked the best. I wrote their answers down and we made a graph. If you would like to know your child’s answer, the chart is posted on the front door of the Starfish class.
October will be a busy month filled with a lot of fun! The children will be making their own Harvest costumes in class. I will ask the children for some ideas of what costumes they want to make and decide later in the month. Our Harvest party and parade will be on Thursday, October 31st.This month’s themes are the five senses, community helpers, and harvest. The Starfish will be learning about the five senses by touching different kinds of textures, smelling different scents, tasting sweet, sour, and salty food, listening to different sounds, and seeing the world around us. One of the sensory activities the children will do is finger painting with salt. They will distinguish the different textures between smooth and rough.This month, the children will also be identifying their body parts through playing a listening game called “Simon Says Body Parts.” The children will hear different names of body parts for them to point to and touch. Moreover, this game teaches children how to listen and respond to simple directions.
In closing, I would like to thank all of the parents who attended Back-to-School Night. It was nice to meet all of you. I look forward to seeing all the children’s excitement in anticipation of learning October’s new themes.
Happy Harvest,
Ms. Frannie
Turtle Class
Dear Turtle Parents,
I want to thank all of my parents for attending Back to School Night. The new school year has started and the children have been doing so well saying good bye in the morning to their parents and trusting me as their teacher. As time goes by the children are getting more involved in new activities and expressing their own independence by throwing away their own trash and washing their hands. We have also been leaning about identifying body parts and what those body parts do. We sing songs that name some of the body parts such as “Clap your Hands” or “Touch your toes.”
For the month of October, we will be learning about the five senses, community helpers and harvest. We will be doing activities to explain the five senses such as smelling different scents in jars, and smelling the garden flowers during a nature walk. We will read stories that tell us which body parts are used for different senses, such as our nose is for smelling and our hands are for touching. We will play some games that ask us to name different sounds, and we will talk about how our food tastes when we are eating snack and lunch. For instance; does it taste salty? Does it taste sweet?
While learning about community helpers, we will discuss the different types of workers and what they do. Such as; the trash man picks up the trash in the garbage truck; and the mail man delivers and gets mail in his mail truck. To celebrate harvest each class will receive a pumpkin and the children will decorate it. On the day of the harvest parade, please don’t bring in any candy or bring your child to school in a costume. Your child will dress up in a costume that we make together in the classroom. We will walk to a house in the neighborhood to receive little treats provided by the school. If you would like to attend this walk please do, you are more than welcome to join us.
Happy Autumn!
I want to thank all of my parents for attending Back to School Night. The new school year has started and the children have been doing so well saying good bye in the morning to their parents and trusting me as their teacher. As time goes by the children are getting more involved in new activities and expressing their own independence by throwing away their own trash and washing their hands. We have also been leaning about identifying body parts and what those body parts do. We sing songs that name some of the body parts such as “Clap your Hands” or “Touch your toes.”
For the month of October, we will be learning about the five senses, community helpers and harvest. We will be doing activities to explain the five senses such as smelling different scents in jars, and smelling the garden flowers during a nature walk. We will read stories that tell us which body parts are used for different senses, such as our nose is for smelling and our hands are for touching. We will play some games that ask us to name different sounds, and we will talk about how our food tastes when we are eating snack and lunch. For instance; does it taste salty? Does it taste sweet?
While learning about community helpers, we will discuss the different types of workers and what they do. Such as; the trash man picks up the trash in the garbage truck; and the mail man delivers and gets mail in his mail truck. To celebrate harvest each class will receive a pumpkin and the children will decorate it. On the day of the harvest parade, please don’t bring in any candy or bring your child to school in a costume. Your child will dress up in a costume that we make together in the classroom. We will walk to a house in the neighborhood to receive little treats provided by the school. If you would like to attend this walk please do, you are more than welcome to join us.
Happy Autumn!
Dolphin Class
Dear Parents,
Thank you for joining us at Back to School Night. We hope you got a lot of useful information regarding what your children will be learning and be assured that they will be ready for kindergarten.The children have been adapting to our new fall schedule and learning our classroom rules. They are: Be kind, be safe, and be neat. We want to emphasize the importance of treating people with kindness and respect. This helps to build children’s self-esteem and how they feel about school. This affects their future learning skills.This month we will be learning the letters D, E. and F. We will continue with our tray tasking. The children are enjoying this activity. They are completing a new task everyday and developing their hand-eye coordination and left to right movements.
We will make our costumes to wear in our Harvest parade, which is on October 31. The teachers and the class make the costume with materials we have at school, such as paper bags, poster board, construction paper, feathers, tissue paper, etc.
We will begin to learn about the season of autumn, with songs and stories and some finger plays as well. One of our favorite finger plays is called “Five little pumpkins.” We choose five children to stand in front of the class holding a paper pumpkin attached to a craft stick. The children recite the words of the finger play and each child gets a turn to hold up their pumpkin as we count them. A song the children will learn is called “Autumn leaves are falling down.” We sing the song as we toss silk leaves up in the air. Then we all pick them up together. We will also experience some real nature as we take a nature walk and look at the changes that autumn brings all around us.
Ms. Kim will be on vacation from October 10 until November 5. Ms. Rita will teach with Ms. Debbie in the class in the morning and Ms. Anjali will be the teacher in the afternoon.
The children have been playing large group games to enhance their listening skills, turn taking skills, and to improve at following directions. One of the latest games we played is called “Duck, duck, goose.” The children and teachers sit in a circle. One child is chosen to walk around the circle and softly pat each child on the head saying, “Duck…Duck……” When they tap a child’s head and say “Goose!” that child has to chase the person around the circle. This is an old game that is a lot of fun.
We hope everyone has a great month of October.
Thank you for joining us at Back to School Night. We hope you got a lot of useful information regarding what your children will be learning and be assured that they will be ready for kindergarten.The children have been adapting to our new fall schedule and learning our classroom rules. They are: Be kind, be safe, and be neat. We want to emphasize the importance of treating people with kindness and respect. This helps to build children’s self-esteem and how they feel about school. This affects their future learning skills.This month we will be learning the letters D, E. and F. We will continue with our tray tasking. The children are enjoying this activity. They are completing a new task everyday and developing their hand-eye coordination and left to right movements.
We will make our costumes to wear in our Harvest parade, which is on October 31. The teachers and the class make the costume with materials we have at school, such as paper bags, poster board, construction paper, feathers, tissue paper, etc.
We will begin to learn about the season of autumn, with songs and stories and some finger plays as well. One of our favorite finger plays is called “Five little pumpkins.” We choose five children to stand in front of the class holding a paper pumpkin attached to a craft stick. The children recite the words of the finger play and each child gets a turn to hold up their pumpkin as we count them. A song the children will learn is called “Autumn leaves are falling down.” We sing the song as we toss silk leaves up in the air. Then we all pick them up together. We will also experience some real nature as we take a nature walk and look at the changes that autumn brings all around us.
Ms. Kim will be on vacation from October 10 until November 5. Ms. Rita will teach with Ms. Debbie in the class in the morning and Ms. Anjali will be the teacher in the afternoon.
The children have been playing large group games to enhance their listening skills, turn taking skills, and to improve at following directions. One of the latest games we played is called “Duck, duck, goose.” The children and teachers sit in a circle. One child is chosen to walk around the circle and softly pat each child on the head saying, “Duck…Duck……” When they tap a child’s head and say “Goose!” that child has to chase the person around the circle. This is an old game that is a lot of fun.
We hope everyone has a great month of October.
Ms. Kim Ms. Debbie Ms. Anjali
From the Seahorses
Dear Parents,
September passed by in a wink of an eye. I would like to thank all of our parents who came to Back to School night. It was wonderful to see you all. I enjoyed sharing our goals and all the changes on the horizon. For those of you who did not attend, please look at our parent board in the classroom or you can ask in the office for a copy of the goals. Also, our lesson plan has changed. It is more detailed to give you a better idea of the full and educational day that awaits your child.
Our curriculum begins this month by familiarizing ourselves with the alphabet as a whole through songs and books. The children were so stimulated by our discussions, they began to announce different words and what letters the word starts with. “L is for Lion!” “E is for Elephant and Egg!” I saw an opportunity for emergent learning, so I invented a game. Three times a week, we will pass a bag around. Each child gets a turn to pull an object out of the bag and identify it. The objects correspond with the letter we are learning. The children connect the letter sounds as we play the game. This is a great way to connect audio and visual input and build on cognitive development.
October’s themes are Harvest and the Five Senses. The class has noticed, by the use of their senses, that the weather is different on some days. We have been discussing the weather and the coming of autumn during our circle times. We have kites hanging from our classroom ceiling and when we open our doors, sometimes the breeze makes the kites sway like they are flying in the wind! We will also learn about light and shadow. We will discuss how it will soon be getting darker soon when daylight savings time ends and how this affects our environment. The children will learn about the science of sundials and explore our light table. The change of seasons brings new tastes and smells as well. We will discuss all of the splendor that the harvest can bring and connect it with different activities in our learning centers.
We will have a pretend pumpkin patch in our dramatic play area and study the insides of different gourds. We will explore the sights and sounds of the season through music, literature, and interactive play. October will be packed with fun learning activities!We hope you can join us for our annual harvest walk. There will be a sign-up sheet posted for those who would like to volunteer to walk with us.It is a great way to get parent volunteer hours as you share in a delightful event with your child.
Wishing you cool autumn breezes,
September passed by in a wink of an eye. I would like to thank all of our parents who came to Back to School night. It was wonderful to see you all. I enjoyed sharing our goals and all the changes on the horizon. For those of you who did not attend, please look at our parent board in the classroom or you can ask in the office for a copy of the goals. Also, our lesson plan has changed. It is more detailed to give you a better idea of the full and educational day that awaits your child.
Our curriculum begins this month by familiarizing ourselves with the alphabet as a whole through songs and books. The children were so stimulated by our discussions, they began to announce different words and what letters the word starts with. “L is for Lion!” “E is for Elephant and Egg!” I saw an opportunity for emergent learning, so I invented a game. Three times a week, we will pass a bag around. Each child gets a turn to pull an object out of the bag and identify it. The objects correspond with the letter we are learning. The children connect the letter sounds as we play the game. This is a great way to connect audio and visual input and build on cognitive development.
October’s themes are Harvest and the Five Senses. The class has noticed, by the use of their senses, that the weather is different on some days. We have been discussing the weather and the coming of autumn during our circle times. We have kites hanging from our classroom ceiling and when we open our doors, sometimes the breeze makes the kites sway like they are flying in the wind! We will also learn about light and shadow. We will discuss how it will soon be getting darker soon when daylight savings time ends and how this affects our environment. The children will learn about the science of sundials and explore our light table. The change of seasons brings new tastes and smells as well. We will discuss all of the splendor that the harvest can bring and connect it with different activities in our learning centers.
We will have a pretend pumpkin patch in our dramatic play area and study the insides of different gourds. We will explore the sights and sounds of the season through music, literature, and interactive play. October will be packed with fun learning activities!We hope you can join us for our annual harvest walk. There will be a sign-up sheet posted for those who would like to volunteer to walk with us.It is a great way to get parent volunteer hours as you share in a delightful event with your child.
Wishing you cool autumn breezes,