Curriculum & Fees
We help children engage their bodies and minds through fun and educational activities.

Our policy during COVID 19

Our Curriculum
The curriculum is play-based, allowing children to learn through hands-on activities and learning centers. The curriculum areas include language, math, social studies, science, music and physical skills. The children learn a variety of meal prayers through songs.
Tuesday are chapel days, led by the preschool director which include simple Bible stories and songs. The children participate in chapel by making simple arts and crafts to complement the story.
A special summer program is planned each year which includes highlights such as pony rides, a petting zoo, reptile day, and many more activities that are fun and educational. A nominal fee covers the cost of these activities.
Two year old class
Teacher/Child Ratio 1:6
We do accept children in diapers. The staff and parents work in a combined, cooperative effort to potty train the child. We place emphasis on language development and learning about the self and others.
Other goals for this age group include feelings, communication, moving, doing and acquiring thinking skills.

Three Year Old Program
Teacher/Child Ratio 1:12
Pro-social goals such as cooperation and communication are taught using games and songs. Positive social behavior is emphasized, helping children respect for themselves and others. Recognizing and naming feelings helps children to communicate more with others through language as opposed to aggressive actions. Cognitive development includes listening and speaking, problem solving, and games that foster mathematical and scientific skills. Gross motor skills include hopping and running, and a variety of movement activities and games. Fine muscle skills include cutting, lacing beads, drawing, and manipulate small objects using a variety of tools.
We implemented a new addition to our three year old curriculum. It was developed by a Montessori trained teacher, Victoria Folds. It is called “Tray Tasking” and uses a developmental approach to reading and writing readiness. Children use everyday items that are organized in a particular pattern to develop Bi-Lateral coordination. The organization of the items on the trays will require children to use their eyes, arms and hands in left to right motions, or top and bottom directions. This is essential for children learning to read and write English. The tasks are designed to be child initiated and self guided. The teacher will record each child’s individual growth. Children will progress at their own pace and teachers will assist when/if needed.
Four year old class Pre-Kindergarten
Teacher/Child Ratio 1:12
The transitional kindergarten program follows standards set by the California Department of Education. Teacher-directed large-group times are planned to foster many learning opportunities, including counting, phonics, language, cooking, mathematics, movement and sharing. Lesson plans are developed to ensure that each child interacts with the teacher and small groups. Social goals include achieving a sense of self and community, following rules, routines, and manners. Goals for cognitive development include problem-solving skills and following directions, alphabet recognition, phonics, listening and speaking, prekindergarten reading and writing skills. Gross motor skills include hopping, skipping, leaping, galloping and balancing games. Fine muscle skills include, tracing, cutting, sewing and a variety of other games to improve the finger muscles.
We implemented a new piece to our transitional kindergarten curriculum called, “Three step tray tasking”, which promotes logical and critical thinking skills. The activities are designed to contribute to the refinement of gross and small muscle skills,and logical consequences. It is a child choice area that will include introduction to shapes, sizes, parts,and sequencing. Children will fold, cut, trace, learn how to use a ruler to draw a shape. The last part of the curriculum organizes all of the children’s work into booklets.

- We are a year-round preschool and are closed on most legal holidays.
- We provide toilet training in the 2- to 3-year-old classroom. Baby toilet bowls are installed throughout the preschool, eliminating the need for step stools and potty chairs, and enhancing children’s safety and hygiene.
- There are two spacious outdoor playgrounds with some of the latest playground equipment, including a mini-Mars space climber, outdoor benches, a stream and sandboxes.
- There is a garden with planter boxes where the children plant and grow vegetables, fruits and flowers.
- We provide individualized instruction based on a child’s needs in small groups.
- We conduct formal parent / teacher conferences annually, or more often when needed

Tuition and Fee Schedule
Effective January 1, 2024
- Application Fee (Non-refundable) : $75.00
- Registration Fee: $225.00 per school year
- Pre-k materials Fee: $7.25 per school year
- Summer Program Fee: ** TBA(Due June 1st)
3 - 5 Year
Classroom |
2 Year
Classroom |
Five Full Days......
(7:00 AM - 6:00 PM) |
$ 1185.00
$ 1280.00
Three Full Days (M,W,F).....
$ 785.00
$ 850.00
Two Full Days (T, TH)....
$ 530.00
$ 565.00
Five Half Days........
(7:00 AM - 12:00 PM) |
$ 895.00
$ 980.00