COVID-19 Policies

As of June 1, 2020 our business hours are 8:00 am until 4:45 p.m. We are asking parents to bring in lunch for the present time. The staff and I have prepared posters about Covid and social distancing, implemented strategies, even made books that are age appropriate for children about the virus. Some other changes we have made to daily life in the preschool include; valet service for parents, taking temperatures, small questionnaire before admitting, requiring face masks by all except if medically unable, and other protective needs mandated by the state for staff. 

All children have an activity and art box made specifically for them. We change the boxes twice a week to keep the children interested. They also have a marked individual space in the classroom with their name. We spend as much time as possible playing outside, but all at a distance. The children enjoy their lunch on a shady covered patio with spaced seating.  The day is shorter than it was, so we only have a one hour nap time. Then we have inside story time in their designated spaces, movement, and craft activities, or activity boxes. The children are adjusting and are still having fun, but from a distance.

Once the children transition to the outside area, the classrooms indoor are cleaned and sanitized. When they transition inside the play equipment is cleaned and toys are removed and washed/sanitized. We are taking all precautions necessary to keep children safe and healthy.

We have also downsized the amount of children in each class. The 4 year old class will only have 8 children, the 3 year old class will have 6 children, the 2 ½ children have 4 children in the class. At this time we do not have any two year old children, but will need 3 to restart the class. Once the children have been accepted into the preschool. One teacher will remain with the same group of children daily. In the event the teacher is sick, another teacher/assistant director will substitute in the class.

We have cancelled school tours for the present time. However I would be happy to do a Zoom tour with parents that would like to see how the preschool is operating. WE are still providing the kind, caring and nurturing environment with fully qualified experienced teachers. If you would like to be a part of our preschool family, we welcome you to call or take a zoom tour.